Baron Omatsuri and the Secret Island is the sixth animated feature film of the franchise. It premiered in Japan on March 5, 2005 and was released to DVD on July 21, 2005. The film made a six weeks run in the Top 10 of the Japanese box office. It made a third place in its first week of showing, a fourth place in its second week, followed by two sixed places, a fifth place in its fifth week, and a seventh place in the sixth week. In Japan it earned at total of 1,200,000,000 Japanese yen, according to the Motion Picture Producers Association of Japan and 10,466,247 US dollar, according to Box Office Mojo. Internationally, it earned 10,494,545 US dollar.
The Straw Hats visit a recreational island, run by Baron Omatsuri, the former captain of a pirate crew, who were killed years ago. Being the only survivor, he then started hating all close-knit groups of pirates and wishing to separate them. He and his henchmen seed distrust among the Straw Hats and capture them one by one, leaving only Luffy to free his crew from the Baron's hold. The animation in this movie is very different from the regular series, using the style often seen in Mamoru Hosoda's films. Some of the later episodes use styles similar to those seen in this movie.
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