The Desert Princess and the Pirates: Adventures in Alabasta is the eighth animated feature film of the franchise and the only One Piece film to additionally star Misa Watanabe as Nefeltari Vivi. It premiered in Japan on March 3, 2007 and was released to DVD on July 21, 2007. The film was licensed by Funimation Entertainment and given a limited theatrical release in the United States on February 7, 2008. Funimation also released the film to DVD on February 19, 2008 and to Blu-ray on January 27, 2009. The film placed four times in the Top 10 of the Japanese weekend box office. It placed second in its first week, fourth in its second week, and both ninth in its third and fifth weeks of showing. The film earned 7,075,924 US dollars in Japan, 7,084,304 US dollars in international markets (excluding the US and Canada), and 7,090,891 US dollars worldwide.
The Straw Hats travel to Alabasta, the desert island and home of Nefertari Vivi. They find the country in the middle of a revolution. Sir Crocodile, the country's hero, secretly used his criminal organization, Baroque Works, to undermine the citizens' trust in Cobra, Vivi's father and head of the Kingdom of Sand, in order to seize the throne and the country's hidden secret for himself. The crew now has to cross the desert, stop the revolution, save thousands of lives from Baroque Works hidden bombers, and most of all, defeat Crocodile, one of the mighty Seven Warlords of the Sea.
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